
Monday, November 9, 2009

Milonga Jungle

The ocho birthday of Patio de Tango was celebrated in Jungle style with plenty leopards, many zebras, a parrot, a dog, one yummy cake and a Dr. Doolittle. No tarzan though.

When I arrived, the show had begun. The fluorescent lights were on. Good, I thought at first, plenty light for the picture. But then on restrospective when I looked at the photos, I didn't like it so much. I did like the show though.
Fortunately after that, the milonga continued on with more of a moody lighting.

Plenty of tricks and lesson learned. The most important is do NOT photograph women on side step! It is really unflattering. Also, being an unofficial photographer does bring limitations. I didn't have the freedom nor the authority to ask people to pose, or to place myself at strategic places for important moments, so all of the photos are photo-journalistic style.

Finally, thank you to the City Rail trackwork, my arrival was delayed 2 hours. After the endless bus-train-bus-train-bus torture, I didn't feel like changing into my leafy skirt costume anymore. But I did came with my trusty Canon L lens and a flash. As always, took too many photos and spend too much time in photoshop (thus Copyright reserved, full resolution image can be made available upon request). Here are a few that I like, the rest can be viewed in my picasa album.

So I hope you guys enjoyed the photos.


  1. Hi Dian.

    My name is Ulises. I'm Nantli's friend from Mexico, she told me about your blog and I'm here visiting.

    just came to say hello.

  2. Hi Ulises.. thanks for visiting!
    I don't understand the Spanish, but the photos speaks for themselves. Amazing photos on your blog!

  3. Hi Di,
    Great photos - am sad that we missedf the night . I have added you as a follower to Angelina's Tango Blog... hope it brings you lots of traffic.


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