Remember a few weeks ago I posted a picture of cockatoo on a pine tree in Australia?
This is the Indonesian version.
Being caged.
This cockatoo, though, can say "Kakak.. Kakaktua" (kakaktua is the indonesian word for cockatoo). He displayed his feathers when he saw me taking picture of him.
I feel sorry for him. Though perhaps he will make an interesting evolutionary branch compared to his Australians brothers.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Take down Obama statue!

The statue has lately taken on the hype ever since a facebook group "TURUNKAN PATUNG BARACK OBAMA di TAMAN MENTENG" (take down Barack Obama statue in Menteng Park) was created.
Personally? I wasn't as much interested to see the statue. However because of the hype, I think it has created more interest and expose which has made it more famous than it probably were meant to.
So my family helped me to locate the statue for the day because I want to take a picture of it before it has to be taken down.
It is indeed rather strange that we were so happy about Obama just because he has spent some years when he was a kid in Indonesia. We were almost proud of it, while he, himself, probably never really have a strong attachment nor memories of his time here. I like what was written in the introduction of the facebook group:
"Kami tidak membenci Amerika atau Obama, meskipun juga tidak mengidolakan Obama atau mencintai Amerika. Kami sekedar ingin menegakkan kepala sebagai bangsa yang berdaulat sepenuhnya dan menghargai para pahlawan yg berjuang demi bangsa Indonesia...."
"We do not hate America or Obama, but also do not idolize Obama nor love America. We just want to held our heads high as a fully independent nation and appreciate the heroes that has fought for Indonesian"

On the other hand, it is just an art. Perhaps an art that would be better placed at his former primary school though (my dad said that the school even can get more funding by charging tickets to see the statue to tourists). Another friend said that there are much better things to protest about like the flood in Jakarta. While my mum said that perhaps rather than taking down the statue, it is better to erect more statues of world and local leaders in that park.
I'm happy with whatever going to happen. Perhaps the best thing is to take it down honourably (not being molested.. don't want to molest a kid, right?) and relocated somewhere else, perhaps inside the his school. That way perhaps this picture will worth more when no one else in the future can take similar ones!
So there, that's our views of it. To make it complete, my dad posed in this last picture. He tried to take it down. Very appropriate dad!
street photography
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The encounter with the huge rabbit

street photography
Wedding cakes

I walked around Mangga Dua plaza and stumbled upon this Harum Sari cake shop. Specializing in cake decorations.

5 layer costs about 150 dollars.

food photography,
Seafood Christmas

So while you are celebrating your christmas with your family under the tree, opening presents,
I took a 7 hours flight to Indonesia!
Obviously besides visiting my family, food is the other motivation.
Surely enough, my parents took me to a seafood restaurant called Sampan.

We had a very yummy crab with salted eggs (as pictured). This is my first time of eating this style of crab cooking. Normally I'd go with black bean or smoked. But it was a very good choice indeed. No regrets there, the crabs were very tasty and filling.

We also ordered fried butter prawn. Two small crabs, prawns, grilled fish and drinks, all for about 15AUD! Now isn't that a perfect way to spend christmas?
food photography,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Cakes, anyone?

Ok, fine I thought I'd take some pictures of nice christmas cake I found on the shop. But then I forgot to change the setting from RAW to JPG! Grrrrr! Anyway, here are some that I took. The first one is RAW but without any other change besides adding borders and signature.

food photography,
photo challenge
Crazy Wings!

And this restaurant was! Located in chinatown Sydney, Crazy Wings really were jam packed last Sunday. With asians!
So my friend and I took the pain and waited for available table. It was worth it!

The chili wings were too spicy for me but I looooooove the honey chicken wings. I didn't know wings can be so tasty!
The bread turned out to be just a toast of 1.50AUD. It was nice, but I think I can make it my own.

View Sydney in a larger map
food photography,
Sunday, December 20, 2009
More Christmas stories

There were twelve kinds of display for the twelve days of christmas. A lot of people were taking pictures. We decided to go back home soon and went to the Town Hall station just in front of it, but then there were fire alarms ringing in the station! People were evacuated outside, and the station was closed.
It really is fun to see the spirit of celebration!
street photography
Christmas at the Domain

Food stalls were expensive as usual, but it didn't stop people from coming and spending the day with the family on the grass.
Using my big 70-200mm lens, I excuse myself to walk on the isles of the sea of picnic rugs to get closer to the stage and take a few snapshot.
I like this photo. I think the telstra red candle light holder does give a nice ambiance to the celebration. The kid is adorable!
Asian couple looking romantic. I think they know their picture was taken. Hard to take candid metal protruding 30 cm out from your face!
The music and the dancing gets even better when The Wiggles came on stage! Ah yes, they are Macquarie University graduates.
Finally, I will leave you with this artsy photo. Taken with longish exposures and moving the camera randomly. Kinda cool, I like it.
event photography
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Early xmas gift

And this is what I got.. 10 original flavoured Mi Goreng, 5 Satay Mi Goreng, 2 Aeroplane jelly, 2 packs of Dark Tim Tam, 2 Toblerone, 2 Continental Chinese chicken and corn soup and 1 big jar of Nutella!
Just what I need. Thank you Santa, and Merci to the Canadian Supersanta ;)
food photography
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas decorations with 70mm

What do you think? Which do you prefer?
photo challenge
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Smart, dude!
Spotted in Circular Quay, Friday Dec 11, 2009, a pink shirt guy trying to break in to a police car while his friends are having a gathering at across the street. Why? That's what I want to know.
Well he succeed. Succeed to get arrested soon by the police. Heck the police quarters was about 7 meters away from the parked car.
Smart, dude. Real smart!
Well he succeed. Succeed to get arrested soon by the police. Heck the police quarters was about 7 meters away from the parked car.
Smart, dude. Real smart!

street photography
Christmas tree with 50mm?
So after spending last Christmas in a country that doesn't celebrate it even as a public holiday, this Christmas is a welcomed change.
As as result of discussion with several photographer friends, we decided that it would be cool to have weekly photo challenges starting December. The first week in December was Christmas Tree. The challenge? getting a picture of one with 50mm lens. Pictured here was my entry for the pool.
Now considering we all each has a cropped body camera, 50 mm translates to 75mm full frame. Did you see the difficulty yet?
First, finding a Christmas tree. Too small, and the decorations won't be as nice, medium sized tree will only give you the very top end of the tree. Big trees? you need to find a public one and get really far, and therefore might have obstacles people walking in between your lens and the tree.
As as result of discussion with several photographer friends, we decided that it would be cool to have weekly photo challenges starting December. The first week in December was Christmas Tree. The challenge? getting a picture of one with 50mm lens. Pictured here was my entry for the pool.
Now considering we all each has a cropped body camera, 50 mm translates to 75mm full frame. Did you see the difficulty yet?
First, finding a Christmas tree. Too small, and the decorations won't be as nice, medium sized tree will only give you the very top end of the tree. Big trees? you need to find a public one and get really far, and therefore might have obstacles people walking in between your lens and the tree.
After going around the city and several shopping malls. The one I choose was from Martin's Place, Sydney. It's a big 21m tall tree with 1.5m southern star at the top. As you can see i only got about 1/4 of the tree there. It helps that there is a city hall (?) clock nearby it.
Obviously I prefer getting the shot with a wide angle lens. Like this.
photo challenge,
street photography
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Shoe talk

There weren't any white shoes then.
Also sandal type were just beginning to be more popular. What I've got here is the old tango shoe style, closed toe with criss-cross strap.
It's all fine, except that they got my size wrong! The most fundamental information. Goodness! I ended up selling this for about $90 CAD, which isn't too bad.
These days tango shoes are worth over 200$
Maybe it is a good investment just to buy some and store it, and then selling it later. That's an idea!
Tango photography,
Tango shoes
Baby Shower

So I hop along in the social fun games. She came up with loads of entertaining games and the international mix of friends were very supportive.
One of the games is tying shoe laces with blue balloon underneath our shirt as a pretend belly (1st picture here). It turns out to be not as easy! Lesson learned: wear lace-less shoes during pregnancy!

Another the game of guessing the perimeter of the belly with toilet papers. Each guest have to guess how many squares, and in the end we tried it on her belly. I over-guessed by 5 squares!One of the games is tying shoe laces with blue balloon underneath our shirt as a pretend belly (1st picture here). It turns out to be not as easy! Lesson learned: wear lace-less shoes during pregnancy!

Then the classic put the pacifier on baby mouth blind folded, followed by Pictionary! The hardest game was about guessing popular songs played in baby lullaby style with xylophone. You'd never guessed some are songs by Cure.
It really was a fun afternoon, Thank you Agny & Koko! We are looking forward to a healthy baby boy soon!
The rest of the pictures are available here.
baby shower,
event photography,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Australian wildlife

You only see this in Australia. In where I came from: Indonesia, free flying birds? Not a chance. Only those brown little church bird (burung gereja).

flora fauna,
street photography
Monday, November 30, 2009
My latest sin

For a girl who doesn't normally wear high heel on normal days, heels are luxurius items. I pulled the plug to get my first Comme il Faut. These shoes are really hard to get outside Argentina.
They are made to dance tango with, but I believe you can also wear them on the street. I've only tried once, not with this one, but the result is dents on the leather sole. So I think I will stick with wearing them on the dance floor or perhaps cocktail party indoor at most.
I wasn't big on animal prints, but hey, with the shiny heels, they look stunning and different from the normal street heels.
I soon will be posting some of my old sins too.
Tango photography,
Tango shoes
Cake, coffee and an old friend

I had ricotta cheese cake with a bit of choc on top, while my friend Cenly had her choc muffin.
I realized that nothing beats cakes, coffee and a good friend.

food photography,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ja Jang Myon anyone?

I first heard about it from the korean drama series Couple or Trouble (환상의 커플 "Hwansangui keopeul"), where the girl always eats jajangmyon. Curious on how it tastes, i bought a couple of instant one few months earlier. I didn't like it much. However when I taste the one made in Arisun restaurant, Strathfield. I love it!

food photography,
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Outdoor Bondi Beach Milonga

It was especially good to see the dance in a totally different background: the beach!

event photography,
Tango photography
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